Sunday, 13 September 2009

The household chore machine.

Teng's Power Sunday.

Skimmed through the morning papers. Immersed in the 5th HP book. Lunched.

Powered Sunday started.

Swept the floor while changing the bedsheets. (sometimes multi-tasking does work for me)
Mopped the floor.
Showered the dog.
Showered myself.

Totally drained. I looked like some on-the-lose lunatic when I was done with the dog.

Laptop's gone for servicing, a good and a bad. Mummy's super happy, cos I don't get a chance to hide in the room. But the bad? Loads. I miss iTunes. I miss my massive chunk of songs. No more long hours on FB either. I can still use my desktop thou, but the desktop doesn't have this and that, lousy. Those software not so up-to-date.

Most important of all, I have problem using XP. I'm the one lagging, not the desktop.

HP! Quick, I'm waiting for your call!

This week must play all that I can, before I get 'grounded' on Friday, when the results are out.

*Teng prays hard, super hard.


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