Monday, 21 September 2009

truth is.

Was it over-confidence or was it 'sleeping during examination'?

How is it possible to just barely scrap through something that you're confident of?

Teng has yet again proved to the rest, that she's nothing, but a failure.

The past two days had been such a torture, thinking of her own mess and trying to accept the fact that she's just failed those who've had faith in her again.
Parents did not reprimand. They tried to encourage and make her feel better by bringing her out and getting her new shoes. This kind gesture made her felt worse.

She wants to get back and stand on her own feet again. But the recurring thought of screwing up the GPA, with her own hands, has been more than just terrible.

She had badly wanted to help her cousin with sensible suggestions, but she can't even maintain her own GPA. Who is she to comment?

Teng's really tired. If only there was something she can do.

She wants her laptop back. She wants to get out of the house, go somewhere and get something done. But all she can do now, is to be stuck at home in no mood to do anything.

Even typing this short para is a problem.


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