Thursday, 14 June 2007

not my day

today just wasn't my day.

1. woke up at 11 plus, nearly 12. helped siang meng get ready for school, then yinyong got scolded for not doing her work properly. somehow anger is contagious, even i got the scolding.

2. tried cooking my own lunch, messed it up instead.

3. supposed to look after yinyong since mummy brought siang meng to school, ended up quarreling with her over some nonsensical issues.

4. yinyong smsed mummy to tell her all the crap i've said.

5. called mummy to ask her where she had gone, she simply refuse to say anything. worried, even though i know she's angry. mummy didn't come home till 7pm.

6. mummy refused to talk to me all the way.

7. erjie called from beijing. everyone else crowded around the phone, so i didn't go say hi to her. can tell tht she's happy and enjoying herself. as crazy as ever. i love my erjie <33

8. overheated the soup until it all evaporated and spill all over the stove.

9. didn't get to watch my "学警" show at 9.30pm.

10. last one to be awake in the house.

so lonely today. got up from the wrong side of the bed and did nothing at all. just sleep and sleep and more sleep. now it really hurts to know that you're not being care for by yr loved ones. sigh, if only erjie was around, things would have been much better.
3 more days to see you...

erjie, i miss u.. ,<33



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