Saturday, 25 August 2007

Grad Nite. YES or NO?

Grad Nite.

Should I GO or NOT?

I'm just afraid of being ostracized again. Imagine everyone else is having fun, except for you. Not that I don't have any other friends. But almost everyone else has their own cliques, can't expect myself to just join in, can I? I might just be mistaken for wrecking up cliques again.

Will I be accepted or just be left out again for the nite?




Anonymous Anonymous said...

you sure kena ostracized one la. you don't even know how much you have been hated since sec1. and i heard from one of your ex-primary school friend (from bpgh) that you have a disgusting habit of digging your nose and eating the shit. gross, no wonder people were disgusted by you and despise you - a shit eater.

why you keep clinging on to daniel? love him ah? please la, his heart is for doreen de ok. go love your william la. you want to know the reason why nick and enna still befriend you? because you were a pathetic ogre and they sympathize you. and i cant imagine you going for grad night - because i will see a PORK DUMPLING.

want to make friends go to the samaritarians of singapore la. er xin da bian.

plus, dont act cute and try to be close to teachers like some bastard do.

i sincerely which you score high marks for prelims and o levels - so that next time i will see you in blue collar.

HEHEHEHEHEHEHEH - clue: i am from your class. index 30 - 42. happy guessing.

13 September 2007 at 3:40 pm 
Anonymous Anonymous said...

screw off loser. stop being a coward and comment with your name.


22 September 2007 at 12:17 pm 
Anonymous Anonymous said...

what a coward man. i'm so sad that we've got such a person in our class. come on la. everyone knows who you are LOSER

do you think no one is disgusted by you and that no one despises you? just by commenting such stuff is enough to make anyone do that

and why do you care about her and daniel? it's like none of your business right. are you jealous? can't you see she has got friends? at least people would stick up for her during times like this. you? do your "friends" even like you for who you are? i think she's very happy. cuz even an "ogre" like her can have such reaction. her position in your heart must be damn high.

those who tag back and ask you to screw off are her friends. she don't need to go to the samaritarians.

she have the ability to be close to teachers then you say she act cute. why? jealous?

i'm sure she don't need your wishes (or whatever you're trying to type) because she'll definitely score higher than you. even if she doesn't, she has already won you attitude-wise.

let me tell you. there's no need for you to post such mean comments on others blog to show that you're jealous. it's her life and no one (not even a bitch) have the right to care

clue: i am from your class. index 01 - 29. i have no wish for you to guess who am i though

24 September 2007 at 11:19 pm 
Blogger can said...

oh teng! you're so bothered with the ostracising thingummy!!!

im sure if you dont brood over it too much you might realise that maybe your um..classmates really didnt mean wad they appeared to be...
i guess..

c'mon! you have wunnerful FRIENDS like ME!!! =)

promise you'd take pictures with me on grad night!


29 September 2007 at 5:02 pm 

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