Sunday, 25 November 2007

Nan Hua Open House

Yesterday was open house. It was seriously a tired and busy day, had to carry stuff up and down, go around to put up exhibits and stuff. One thing that I clearly remebered that I had to post on here, was that I found INNO's booth superbly impressive!!! Well done guys (and girls)!! It was the best display put up since the past two years (I'm not joking.) Really impressed. Congrats to the club~! =)

I missed walking around the school aimlessly (he last time it happened was like months ago.) Strolling around the school compound brings back endless memories, be it happy or sad ones. Inno camps, flag rasing ceromonies, recess and lunch times (in particular ball games) and projects all flashed back into my mind. I'm seriously not really willing nor ready to leave this place. It seemed as though I've just entered the school compound yesterday. Unbelievable. 4 years just flew past like this. Wow...



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