Friday, 27 March 2009

An Awesome Thursday. (with many thanks)

Teng had a great thursday.

Was at NH at 7.10a.m. and saw her (online-cos she didn't get to see him in person for a few years!) friend (Lin Lao Shi-YuHui) and chatted to him for a whole half an hour before she had to get ready for the presentation. She hereby thanks YuHui for updating about himself and yes, the chat managed to cool her nerves somewhat.

And she hereby demands asks Mr. Ng to hand over give the photo that he tried to take without her permission notice. But luckily for her she was smart enough to cover her pretty face.

While Mr.Ng was trying out his skills on paparazzi, Mr. Liu (GK) was setting a goal for her. Mr. Liu's goal of a 3.95 GPA, was apparently a much achievable one compared to that of Mr. Ng's idea of having a 4.0 GPA.

Teng contradicted herself while speaking to her audiences, thankfully her audiences could understand what she was talking about. She thanks Mrs. Siew for the mental support and assuring smiles while she was vibrating upfront. The short 5 minutes speech drove her nuts and she couldn't fall asleep the night before. So she only had less than 5 hours of sleep on wednesday night.

Teng exited the AVA room after the presentation and saw quite a few of her long-lost mentors (teachers to be exact) namely, Ms. Wassan, Mr. N Liu, Ms. J Lim, Mrs. A Ong, Ms. Y Lim, Mdm. Yong, Ms. Loy XQ... and her all-time awesome two!

Teng had breakfast with Mr. Liu GK, Mrs. Chang MC and Mrs. J Tan. This was when Mr. Liu GK started off with his very inspirational and motivating talk. It was all about experiences, the need for money and reality.

Then it was the exploition helpout session at the staff room. She helped her dearest teacher run some errands and sorted out a few things, and learnt that age was not a limiting factor to knowing how to use a tablet!

Her dearest teacher showed her a live demo on hair static and indirectly tired to cause harm to her black cells, perhaps her monkey pillow got dirtied in the process. She was also urged to study hard to pull up her GPA.

Teng helped Ms. Loy by unleashing creativity and managed to display Ms. Loy's adorable clips with ease, which Ms. Loy was quite happy with. She later went for lunch with Ms. Loy and they had some real cool talk on hairstyling and children.

Afterwhich she went up to the hall to search for her beloved two. There she said her goodbyes and thank yous before ending her NH trip. She knows she'll miss them alot, but no doubt, she'll be back soon.

Teng's mum had to meet her to get something important done.

She dosed off on the sofa after a super quick shower until she received ACL's sms. Then she realised that she was confimed almost late for her dinner date. Teng hurried off to change was left her house in 10 minutes.

Her gang of primary friends met her at JP and they had problem deciding what to eat for dinner and finally decided on that restaurant. The gang had a lame fun time while eating. A picture tells a thousand words. Teng will let the pictures do the talking.

The gang went for a free people-watching movie and the basement bench and had a great time trying to understand the true meaning to fashion sense. The foursome supposedly left the theatre bench at 9.10p.m. after ACL was done with her phone call.

Teng had a great thursday.
and hereby thank all who made her thursday the happiest day of the week.


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