Monday, 29 December 2008

been at expo for the past 3 days. i seriously think i spent my last 3 days immersed in Buddha teachings and chantings.

day 1 (27th dec)
i replaced daddy to volunteer at the Amitabha Buddhist Society Dharma Conference 2008 at expo hall 1 (in chinese they call it 法会). nothing much about what i do. simply sell the mp3 players with the Buddha chantings and the lotus lamps (that changes colour every 2 seconds! - i think they're quite nice, its just that they change the lights a little too fast, they make me dizzy.) mummy was with me the whole time. yes, we did more "shopping" and eating (yes! the food was so good! porridge for breakfast, rice with potato, vege and cabbage! there was free flow of food and drinks - soya bean, coffee, herbal tea of all sorts, fruti juices, burgers and bread with peanut butter, nutella, margarine spread.. dinner was duck rice! seriously, there's no need to worry bout having no food or going hungry) than helping out at the booth. mummy got me my first 佛珠 (those that i wear on my hands), and we 2 big bagfuls of 结缘品 (these 结缘品s are actually books or CDs on Buddha teachings and they will give us answers to all the "what, why, when, how, where" questions on Buddhism). hey hey, i got one CD that talks about physics and Buddhism! isn't that cool? i wonder how science and religion collide man! :x i've yet to watch the dvd yet, but i really can't wait! mummy and i got home at about 11pm that night. really tiring day, cos we woke up at 6.15 in the morning and didn't sleep at all during the day.

day 2 (28th dec)
yet another life liberation. this time it was held at SAF Changi Yacht house or something. totally forgot the actual name of that place, but i do remember seeing lots and lots of yachts. i was so facinated really. i love the view of the sea, as always. lovely morning, but the sun was too overwhelming, and yy nearly blacked out. well, the groupers were BIG, really BIG, nearly the size of my middle finger to my elbow. and they were all so so heavy! gosh. went back to expo for lunch, vegetarian, yes! rice with potato, some green vege and some fried toufu! yes, myk, i had 2 servings. i was freaking hungry. i didn't eat dinner there, sobbs. anw, mummy went out for a gathering with her SJAB friends (for the first time in dno how many decades). err. its so weird not having her at home. i decided not to sms or call her, since the 2 other sisters were already hogging mummy's precious time with her friends. and... i spent the miserable night playing rollercoaster on my handphone.

day 3 (29th dec)
i woke up at officially at 11.15a.m. (in mummy's vocabulary it's 12noon). happily slept all the way and ate 2 paos for brunch. trained down to expo again, cos today its the final day and the day to chant for the 往生者s. (yes, we added mama's name to the list). we missed the first phase, but we managed to stay on for the last 2 phases. ate dinner and snack there. i seriously find their vegetarian food super up to standard. how i wish i can have food like these everyday! right. mummy got me a charcoal material key chain. its apparently hanging on my phone now. charcoal is supposed to reduce radiation, well.. i guess i need the 3kg pack one, since, i'm always on my laptop and handphone. uhh. imagine me sleeping on a pillow filled with those charcoal used for bbq. wow. oh yea, i extorted a pair of slippers from mummy. hahas, kinda forced her to buy it for me. i was so into the mood of bullying people. diao. anw, erjie got her slippers too. stayed all the way until the end of the whole session, cos daddy, shushu and biaoge had a special mission. oh yea, they are the so-called "unregistered Buddhists" cos they haven't gone thru the ceremony, but yet they bought their 海清s! hahas, daddy looked like some jap samurai. really funny. and the 3 of them were so amused by their new attires that they can't help showing off their joy when erjie helped to take photos of them. uhh. not funny wor. right, reached home around 11.30p.m. really tired.

i'm still trying to eat as much grass as possible. the thought of sinking my teeth into chicken really puts me off. i think the 49 days of vegetarian did really give some impact on my diet. i'm not totally on grass, but i think i'm a 80% herbivore and a 20% carnivore (owing to the fact that i still dare to eat fish, and some types of pork).

i've still got so much stuff undone.
the speech contest, IAM assignment, and some other school work i really have no idea about, the camp, meeting eileen the great, sleep more, clean up my supposedly messy table, buy my bagpack....

yes, my bloody phone is gonna get repaired tmr. yes! no, BOO! cos it's the 4th time i'm sending in for repair!

sony sucks! eww. and LOUSY customer service.


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