Friday, 15 June 2007


I was in a terribly bad mood today. I woke up in the morning, only to find myself full of enthusiasm to work on my geog notes, but only to find that all my pens went out of ink. So I couldn’t do any of my notes, so thankful. Then I tried to mess around with my other subjects, hoping to get something out of them. Mission failed and I decided to abort it. Afternoon came and I decided to try my luck to appeal for an hour of TV program. Failed again and ended up quarrelling with mummy.

I just couldn’t take what mummy was saying and I was angry and shot back. But I was thankful that mummy didn’t fire back at me. Gosh. So I decided to chill out at the library. I spent about 3 hours there. Went browsing thru the “parenting-section” and found a really cool book. Borrowed the book home, wondering if I had borrowed the book for myself, to learn how to parent myself, or was it for mummy and daddy? The book entitled: ‘how to really parent your teenager by Ross Campbell’ was really interesting. It was pretty obvious that I am a normal teenager after reading bits of the book, which showed telltale signs of adults-to-be.

However, there’s something which I worry. Look:

Telltale Signs
If your teenager displays not one but several of these symptoms, you should consider consultation and counseling.
1. Feelings of sadness, hopelessness, despair; lack of purpose or lack of interest in activities that have brought pleasure in the past
2. Short attention span and inability to concentrate……
3. A rapid plummet in academic performance
4. Physical symptoms: persistent aching, either muscular or common headaches; lack of energy; a rapid increase of decrease in appetite; weight changes; inability to sleep, or decrease in appetite; weight changes; inability to sleep, or the desire to sleep too often.
5. Unpredictable moods: irritability, anxiety, surly disposition, or frequent disputes with others.

Wow. So much to realize. I guess it’s time I reflect over this and consider seeking treatment. When will mummy have the time to sit down and hear me talk? It seems as though she’s avoiding the topic. Well, just hope I can get over with this real soon.

Meanwhile, there’s still so much more to discover from this parenting book. I will post more of my discoveries here when I am done.

2 more days to go…
Miss you, erjie <33



Blogger skywater said...

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16 June 2007 at 5:13 am 

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