Wednesday, 28 November 2007

sick at school...

I'm right now in school. Rotting my time away, until the amazing race ends. I'm doing nothing but slacking and slacking. I don't know whether it's my fault or whoever's fault. I'm just so free during the games session, as in the amazing races that took place since last night.

I didn't sleep well either, seriously don't know what's wrong, worse, I'm not tired now. =.=
I feel like a piece of shit man, so crap, so useless, so urghhh..
Maybe it's my own fault. Maybe I did something wrong, just like those friends problems that has been revolving around me eversince. Sigh.

I pray hard for the lunch later to be successful, imagine planning for meals without knowing exactly how many people are turning up for the camp. Eww. Well, at least the BBQ went rather well last night.

Natural born sai-kang worker, this morning woke up, had breakfast and led a group of INNO people to wash those dirty pits. ROAR.
Well, an sms tells me that I'll be having fun later~ I'll just have to see and pray for the best~!

I miss all at home.
yy, I'm coming home to watch HSM with you and erjie tonight. =)



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