Tuesday, 10 June 2008

i should be looking forward to the chalet. i should. i should. i really should.

at the rate i'm going now, i can't be at peace. omg. my nose is stuffy. my eyes are buldging. i feel a little sick, but i'm actually much better as compared to yesterday.

yy's fever is a come-and-go thing. but like, me, she's much better today. and so is erjie. both of them took a afternoon nap, while i hogg onto my lappy, trying to chiong bizca before chalet tmr. freak.
look at the amount of work pilling up. wp's reviews, assignments, plojects. not forgetting itl's research and test, math's mini project. blehhs, i dun wanna mention anymore. it's spoiling my mood, i need to think positive to stay healthy.

i'm a little tired. sad to say, i'm not ready for chalet. we're all not packed! wahahaha. i've got nothing to say. i hope to recover in time, i hate the idea of my satays, chicken wings, stingrays flying away. grrr.
anw, mummy came up with an idea that seems ingenious. look, wrap aluminium foil around satay (for instance) then leave it upon the wire mesh to heat up. pure thermal conduction. nothing BBQ-able. amazing. trust my mummy to be original and intelligent. STEAMed BBQ! yeah! it's a once in a lifetime thing.
i shall load my bag with all the tvb dvds, simply to entertain myself, erjie, yy and mummy. since we aren't going for the wild wild wet thing on thursday. freak. freak. freak.
i might be bored to the extend of wanting to do work at the chalet. for thursday is gonna be a long long day. hai. there goes the tickets! grrr. i wanna get on the waves and the slides! -.-"

ok, i shall blog when i come back. need to round up my bizca, pack my bag and decide if i'm going for inno's rod tmr.
anw, may my nosey blockage clear.

antibiotics attached!



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