Thursday, 21 June 2007

once upon a time - physics

Physics used to be my all-time-favorite subject. Now, that is history. I’m feeling just hopeless, fear touching the subject, despite the fact that I have the textbook and TYS loaded on my table top. Everyday I stare at it, hoping that someday I would be able to get over with the devil that is stopping me from practicing physics.

I miss those days when I used to get good results and living up to that standard. Physics used to be my friend, my good buddy. Now, it isn’t anymore. I feel more than just bad; I know I am deceiving myself, always thinking that I still love physics the way I used to and that I would still be able to get those B’s.

Those magic words of my teacher had done the trick. Here I am, doing what he strongly believes that I will be (I won’t pass my physics). But there I am, disappointing those that have faith in me (you know, the two female teachers and my parents). What am I doing? Or what am I trying to do? Hiding in a corner and let myself rot, and prove to him what a sucker I am? Gosh...

Again, it’s one of those ridiculous nightmares I’m going thru. Totally no idea when I am going to get over this. Feel so shameful, 没脸去见她了.

Other than this, there are thing to look forward to.
I’ve talk it out with mummy. Sigh, it’s silly really, after that talk, everything is like back to normal. Yeah, mummy loves me. =P Erjie is back~ (3 cheers!) Life seemed as though it is really looking up. Or maybe not, when I have only 2 more days of my holidays to enjoy.

I’m inviting mummy up here to read my blog. Hopefully it’ll be a good place for us to talk about stuff that is harder to say into each other’s face.

Long-live to her majesty (me). I love my family. Sigh.



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