Saturday, 21 June 2008

i am tired.
i am sick of school work.
what am i supposed to do? apparently ITL is due on tmr's tmr.
freak freak freak. i need help ar, send me somebody from the above. pls!

anw, erjie is back. but she's at marina rehearsing for NDP again. hai. i don't really get to see and talk to erjie much ): sad..

went to the cj place to collect my phone today (alone). my k630i is finally fixed, but the shortcut button is not working! what the hell is wrong ar? i might never buy a ericsson again. zzz.

i'm worried.

what if i fail u again? i've been trying and trying, like i've promised. it's not working. i think i need some brain-washing again. whack me hard. whack me harder.

wake up my bloody idea!



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