Wednesday, 18 June 2008

Instruction : Remove one question from the above and add in your personal question. Make it a total of 20 questions and tag 8 people. List them at the end of the post. Notify them at their cbox that they’ve been tagged. Whoever who does the tags will have blessing from all.

1)At what age do you wish to get married?
26? 27? 28? 29? 30? hahas. depends on when the fate comes (:

2)Study hard or Play hard?
both. even thou we should play harder sometimes (:

3)Who is the person you trust most?
mummy <33

4)Do you think you have enough confidence?
i guess so.. is being thick-skinned counted? (:

5)If you have a dream come true , what would it be?
i wna keep 5 dogs! and wear shades someday ((:

6)What is your idea of a friend?
truthful, trustworthy, understanding (: i bet there's more.hahas.

7)What is your goal this year?
sleep, play hard, eat well, dun gain weight! spend more time with family.

8)Do you believe in eternity love?
i guess so, it will come someday. hahas (:

9)If you have all the time and money in the world, what would you do?
bring my family for a tour, start my own one-stop pet care centre with yy and erjie. and give mummy the rest of the money. (:

10)If time were to unwind , what would you want to change?
i wna spend more time in nh. with mrs. chang and mrs. tan. <33

11) Would you like the person whom you love make the initiative to kiss/hug you?
errr. i'm not even attached! actually mummy take the initiative to hug me lah.

12)What feelings you hate the most?
(DOSS) deprive of sleep syndrome, headaches, sole aches.

13) What is your childhood ambition?
teacher. lawyer. artist. homemaker! hahas. i really respect mummy's job (:

14)Do you believe in love at first sight?
i think it works. somehow. (:

15)What do you think is the most important thing in your life?
other than myself, its my family.

16)Who do you hope to be always behind you, supporting you?
mummy, daddy, erjie, yy, ocean, ah boy, biao ge, msy, ngakei, enen.. all in my big family (: and of cos, my idol and her woman (:

17)People who are going to be hated by you?
i prefer to stay neutral. enough of all the likes, dislikes.

18)Describe the person who tagged you in five words.
lingli, u challenge mi seh ((:

19)Do you deserve to be loved?
i dno. but depends to be loved by who (:

20)The 5 things i badly wna do.
-complete school work -.-
-invest a hundered bucks on a pair of sandals (i cant stand painful soles.)
-meet up for lunch with idol and her woman (:
-6B '03 chalet/sentosa outing ((:
-for holidays to carry on. <33

8 people: angelina, erjie, jinghui, canida, fangqi, nick, dixon, jinhong.


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