Tuesday, 11 November 2008



嫲嫲的灵车很漂亮,玻璃是浅蓝色的,有黄色的花朵和青色的小灯泡围绕着玻璃窗,我是第一次看到这么美的灵车。 跟着灵车走时,边听、边念着佛经,心情是很平静的。

I didn’t feel anything when grandma’s coffin was being pushed down the aisle, into the flames. Perhaps like what daddy said, what’s left is just the hardware.
Our 嫲嫲 has left for some other place.

Grandma had a good life and we should celebrate over what she had had.
她有四个非常孝顺、非常疼爱她的孩子,两个很照顾她的媳妇,两个听话的女婿, 还有八个可爱的孙子。嫲嫲很疼家里的每一个人。每逢佳节、生日,她都会给红包。

I really miss 嫲嫲.
I miss those times when she told me to study hard.
I miss holding her hand.
I miss talking to her.
I miss watching her eat.
I miss hearing her laugh.
I miss watching her smile.
I miss hearing her get irritated.
I miss watching her pray every night.
I miss playing mahjong with her and singing that song to her.
I miss hearing her calling out our names.
I miss her unique way of rolling onto the bed.

If only there was a way for her to let us know that she’s ok out there. It’s not easy to accept the fact that she’s really gone forever.

Only when 嫲嫲's gone, then I start to see and realize her importance in the family. We’ve removed almost all of her clothes and her belongings. We're only left with her memories.

我真的好想念嫲嫲 。

Her laughter, her smiles, her coughs and her rolling into bed actions have all become memories.

Grieve takes time.
Lots of time.


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