Friday, 17 October 2008

two very lovely women cheered me up today by leaving me with a few of their very best and most unforgetable lame convers.

Conver 1
lmz: "eh, got something i want to ask you."
me: "huh? what isit?"
lmz: "you got boyfriend already?"
me: "laugh out loud! dun have."
lmz: "sure or not?"
me: "diao eh. i told you i have will tell you right? where got time to find one?"
mjact: "boyfriend不是找的, 要he come and find you才对!"
lmz: "(couldn't help agreeing immediately) ya lor!"
me: "..."

Conver 2
mjact: "eh teng ah, how's the people in poly like?"
me: "ok la, quite good ar."
me: "errr... dressing of my sort is rare lor. some got make up also lar."
mjact: "ar... not very wad meh? "
me: "no lar, i got my own style man. quite good ma. a bit the heavy lar. i dun like leh."
lmz: "haha! then (to mjact) 不然你认为她为什么坐在我这边,而不是你那边?.."
me: "what the... next time 我来的时候就摆一张椅子在center lor.."

Conver 3
lmz: "there you got a he-she mah! she's(refering to me) a man in a woman!"
me: "diao. i think u're really..."
mjact: "她好像不知道她在讲她自己hor.."
me: "(couldn't stop laughing)"
lmz: "(gave the super 'diao' face)"

Conver 4
lmz: "next time you open your bag must say lah!"
me: "oh. sorry sorry. i forgot about ur weak heart. (now i know, my crumpler has the potential to scare people.)"
me: "

they are so freaking lame today. i really dno what's wrong with them. i've never seen them so happy before thou, it's really good to see them smile and laugh and crap like nuts.

after seeing them today, i finally realised how much i really really miss them. gosh.

i spoke to grandma on the phone today. she sounded good, despite the fact that she's a little breathless. i kinda miss her voice. i know she definitely misses us, cos she actually asked daddy how come her grandchildren haven't visit her yet.

i had so terribly wanted to go down today, but daddy told me not to. well...

daddy's well beaten off his feet for the past dno how many days. it hurts to see him looking so tired and lost at times. i miss my daddy too. i've only seen him for less than 4 hours since the previous night. he's got little appetite. mummy's worried too, when she saw that daddy covered himself with two blankets this morning and it's actually not that cold.

i'll be spending the whole day at the hospital tomorrow, to accompany daddy and also (hopefully) be able to boost his morale somehow.

i'm unable to pay attention in class. uhh. the family's half on my mind. i feel so lost sometimes. i really don't know what to do. or am i thinking too much? am i like "acting-adult"?

i don't know. i'm just worried.

homework, projects, u'll have to wait. i doubt i have time to finish you off tmr.



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