Thursday, 2 October 2008

i dno what's wrong with me these few days.

i'm still unwilling to speak to them after that night's incident.
freaking shit. i hate this.
i should have fell asleep earlier that night, then the world would seem dead to me. hell.

i dno why i've found my parents very irritating suddenly. i'm starting to find that they make unconstructive comments at the wrong times or when things have already happened.
for instance, my laptop. mum's complaining that my laptop's giving alot of trouble and that i shouldn't have got such an expensive laptop in the first place. hell. i don't remember mum saying anything about the price on the day i bought this laptop. i even called home to ask if the price and the specs (and all the other minute stuff) were fine with her.
and now, she's complaining all about it.

second, about my bloody phone's warranty card. i've sent my phone for servicing twice already, counting today, it's the third. so, i've had at least 3 sessions trying to find my warranty card for each visit - to send the phone in for repair and to collect the phone. after phone collection today, called mum on the phone. she asked how the phone was and blahh. then i told her about the need to bring along my proof of purchase on the next visit (if any). and then mum started insisting on searching for my warranty card. duhh. c'mon, if she can find it, i'm seriously so god damn proud of her. ridiculous, after 3 to 4 times of searching and i couldn't find it. so what's the possibilty of being able to find it now? grrr...

now dad's trying to be smart in telling me what to do (to find leehui and leemin). am i noob or something? i think i'm not that stupid you know, so. please.

no wonder i've been trying to get out of the house recently. i can't stnd being at home with him for the whole day. i dread the weekends now. freak.

gg to accompany grandma to the hospital for her bone scan tmr. and the results will be out next thursday (when i'm away at camp). what the hell man. i hope grandma can stay happy and cheerful before next thursday comes. (she's not been too good lately -sigh).

huiling, thanks for reading my blog and then close the window without tagging. love u for that, ((: muax muax. lol.


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