Thursday, 25 September 2008

Happy B'day, Daddy!

the god gave me a crazy daddy on this very day.

but my poor daddy has parade on his birthday. and bad news, he's not coming back to
join us for dinner tonight.

he's super hard working and got his promotion sometime in july.

he's a good superior.

he's got gold for his ippt with lots of determination.

he's so vain and cannot stop dancing around.

he's favourite song (as of now) is pocketful of sunshine - he starts dancing
whenever he hears this song.

he's the one that complains about me being fat half the time and feeding me with
good food with the other half.

he's taught me lots of things.

he's a good listener and gives good advice.

he's given me lots of his genes. (except for those dancing around bits.)

he's a lot of trouble on this very day, cos we don't know what presents to give

he's the one who suck-up to mummy during dinner almost every day.

he's quite lame and brings much life to the house when he's ok.

he's crappy and has lots of nonsense.

nevertheless, we love him for all his nonsense.

he loves my mummy.


wish my hiao hiao daddy a very happy birthday.hope he be healthy, happy and love my mummy always (i'm sure he will.)


there u are marching away, and here we are cracking our brains again - what
surprise should we give you on this very day?

how about baking a big chocolate cake?? :p


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