Saturday, 9 August 2008

wp test is a goner. i am only kinda confident with the question on tables and the one with pictures and words. the one with frames and survey and the javascript is gone. totally gone. could remember some and forget some, i guess i forgot more than those that i could remember. hai.
bizca grades are totally rubbish. i really cant do bizca. i think that it likely to pull down my gpa. what the...
econs quiz was trash. it's the worst thing that i've ever experienced since i've stepped into poly. there was simply no luck, i couldnt even guess the answers. lucky huiling and lingli could guess them right and pass it with a 50. hai. i've got nothing more to say.
moral of the story? i think i'm dumb. i study nothing but trash. so i'm gonna forget about studying for itl and math. since there is almost no difference between studying and not studying. so why kill my brain cells or boil my brain juices? nah, spend my time sleeping, eating and watching olympics would be a much better choice.
went to town with mum for her check-up and to get her watch repaired. this is the first time in which accompained mum for check-up, hahas. i'm kinda proud of myself. visited the place which i was born too ((:
i hope the class chalet can run smoothly. and that junwei would book 2 rooms insted of 1. hahas. let us not talk about budget chalets man :x hahas.
i am yearning to get out into the sun for games. hahas, i miss netball. i miss those times in nh, which i would play netball during recess and lunch. woah. i need exercise, seriously. ((:



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