Tuesday, 1 July 2008

stayed up till 3a.m. to "study" itl last night. hai. staying up the whole night was totally crap. it's as good as being useless. slept on the sofa last night, for i was so afraid of being unable to get up and be given a "L" for being late for class. i felt like a zombie after i got up. i nearly vomited and felt like fainting while i was washing up. goodness. imagine if i were to just faint and suffocate in the bathroom. i might just die (and skip itl test!).

anw, itl test is finally over. i'm (almost) sure i'll fail the test. totally crap. i left a 10m question totally blank. the question was unexpected, very unexpected. :x for the mrp thing, i only filled in like around 10 "cells" out of the entire page of cells. so, yea, 25m fly away too. the only thing i remembered doing correctly was the 7R's. period. yes, itl sucks. i'd rather do a social studies test. :x

went to the library after the brain-bursting test. my brain felt so much better after the test, so much more un-clogged and much fresher than ever. the 6 of us (me, lingli, huiling, jean, chiahwa, meixiu) were happily trying to rush to finish wp when huiling's phone rang. guess what. mengting called to say that there was itl prac lesson. freak. there went our hopes of completing wp project. taa-dah. walked back (again) to blk 46, from the library. sian.
tried a new program during prac. it's some logistics simulation thing. really cool stuff. facts and figures were generated with a click of a button. it was like a make-believe thing about moving goods with constrains of the weather, transportation and stuff. nice stuff really, might consider looking for this software.

wp lesson was ok. i'm lucky because my index number was not picked at random. (i think i'm no. 9, i can't remember.) realised that i did my wp wrongly. god. i'm a lazy pig who intelligently decided to combine units d, e and f together. this definitely saved alot of time and effort. but, lecturer wanted us to do it unit by unit. so, redo everything. i'm super not willing and the deadline is on this friday.

there is still econs quiz 2 and econs tutorial 3 question 5 and 6 to be done. plus bizca unit i, j and k. plus math project final presentation due on the week after next. plus itl project powerpoint presentation also due on the week after next. plus on-going cats project. plus a econs project. plus a bizca project.
so i'm hoping to do as much wp as possible. so that i won't have to rush or die in the process of rushing. i don't wna vomit or feel faint again. eww.

every single piece of work is waiting for its turn to be handed in.
and they are all queuing up behind me.
all i can see is that:
the queue is getting longer and longer..

i'm really very very tired.
i dno what i'm blogging anymore.



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