Friday, 27 June 2008

i am really tired already. there is so much work still.

- *itl test (chap 1-3)
- *wp ploject (unit a-f, unit h)
- *math project
- *bizca unit I (some real life independent challenge thing)
- *math tutorial 7
- econs tutorial 3 qn.5 & 6 (to submit under e-learning)
- *wp reviews (unit a-f, unit h)
- econs project
- bizca project
- cats project (which is so so like IIA, reminds me of inno.)
- *bizca casegrader 5 & 6 (due today?)

i'm a good girl. i'm trying to finish up all my work, despite the fact that more projects are coming in. i know its depressing, but i'm trying still. everyone in class is like uh-huh. doomed.
if only we could "one die, all die together". hahas. "one don't do, all don't do". (i think i'm thinking too much.)

i finished bizca casegrader with unsatifying results. i'm totally depressed and heartbroken. everyone else can get a 100/100 easily. i'm still like the 80-90 range. i'm lousy. i'm lousy. i suck. i suck. yucks. i hate myself for being such a noob, or maybe more than a noob. i hate this. i really really think that bizca has something against me, cos i don't feel as thou i have anything against bizca. so it's bizca's fault. isit? or isit mine? i'm sick, i'm sick. sick of getting 80++. please don't make me hate u, bizca.

i'm hoping to finish math project by tonight. so that i can afford to go for lunch tmr afternoon with mummy and daddy, instead of staying in school to finish math project. and i wna clear my itl test asap. the notes are totally crap (so is the lecturer), it's nearly as good as being useless. needless to say, both my class' advisor and lecturer didn't give any tips to my class. sucky. and apparently my class' advisor (who is otherwise known as the "form teacher" for my class) did give tips to her students in her other class. omg. talk about fairness. there is probably none at all.

other than depressing bizca and itl, i didn't go back to nh today. it's the first time in like a month and a half, in which i didn't go back. i guess the new exco is doing fine. anw, i saw mrs.chang at her bus stop on wednesday afternoon. i was in my bus heading to clementi, and she was at the opp bus stop, "so near yet so far". i miss my idol alot alot. gosh. i don't know why, but yes, i really really miss talking and chatting with her. it's hogging in my brain. how i wish we are both not so busy. at least we could afford some time like the 'good old days'. i really really wna see her! look, this idol has such an impact on her beloved number 1 fan. oops.

i'm starting to miss my sciences very very much. it's now that i finally learn to appreciate them. omg. isn't it a bit too late? i miss challenging chem, beloved bio and psyco physics. yar, especially doing physics revision, those were the days...

if only i could turn back time...
i would give anything to study physics again.
there is still this undying passion, despite the failure in attaining good results (i think).

i'm not losing my drive yet.
i've promised to try my best.
and i will not disappoint you.



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