Saturday, 28 June 2008

math was surprisingly ok today. i entered class around 8.45++, and was amazed to find myself to be the third to arrive in class. wow. anw, did trigo in class today. i think i kinda missed trigo. those toa cah soh with additional toppings of quad 1, quad 2, quad 3 and quad 4. long time no see trigo friends ((: erm, despite the fact that i got a D7 for amath, i still felt comfortable with trigo, amazing. the best part was to name the ASTC the wrong way, great stuff. it's supposed to be named anti-clockwise, but huiling and i (being pro pp) named it clockwise. so teacher came around and asked, "so this is your 2nd quadrant ar? you sure?" omg. so malu, malu like crazy. tsk tsk, no face to admit that i've had taken amath before. a simple disgrace to the subject. hahas.

met mummy, daddy and yy for lunch at jec. yy left for tuition at 1pm. the 3 of us continued eating for a while more. (i felt like a glutton, i think i ate one and a half share. omg.) took shuttle to imm after that. bought jiajia's bathroom slippers and some household stuff from daiso. bought some stationery at popular. mummy bought some newbalance shoes too, it was so tempting. i had wanted to get this beige colour pair at 68 bucks, but since i need sandals badly, i just did away with the idea. daddy wanted to get those casual shoes, but he was like "the sole of the shoes a bit funny lar.. i think it's a bit hard.." aiya. this running man ar, i just told him to "stick to your running shoes la, warrant.."
then went to see my sandals, but sadly i didn't see anything that i like. so i suggested to go back to lot one to check out world of sports, since i've some vivid memory of seeing something that i like there. we left imm around 4 plus and went back to fetch yy at her tuition centre. the four of us went back to lot one. went to wos to see, indeed i found the pair which i really want to get. really really nice. but mummy said it was too ex. erm, apparently that pair cost 70 bucks, with nice yellowy orangey colour straps. there was another model going at 50++ bucks. i didn't really pay attention to that, since the colour seemed a bit dull. since i still couldn't decide and mummy still needs time to consider if she wna spoil me with such ex sandals, we went for early dinner.

as usual, glutton mak surfaced. laksa plus one and a half prata and some dessert. yar, and after that i still didn't feel anything. weird. anw, i thought i had eaten enough as in monetary terms, so i just convinced myself that i was "full". horrid. then i discussed with mummy about the sandals issue. somehow or rather, i felt mean lar. its ridiculous that i spend 70 bucks of daddy's hard earned money on some sandals. daddy don't even have such ex sandals! so its really not right. so i asked if i could spend like at most 50 bucks on those num sandals. mummy said ok. err, but come to think of it, i top up a few more dollars, i can buy the teva sandals, its much more worth it and lasting.
saw this 4 bucks poor bear at kiddy palace. omg. i was really into the one with pink shirt. 4 bucks, super budget. daddy highlighted to me that there was no more parking lots available on my bed, i was like "nevermind lar, i slim down got space liao". daddy was about to hand me 4 bucks to fulfil my dream when mummy gave her look. fullstop. end of conver. put back the bear and keep the money. lol!

i this kpo pig sneaked back into wos to see the 50++ bucks sandals again. actually it's not that bad. it's quite nice also, just that yes, it's dark blue with a bit of white, so it's not so easy to dirty. so i decided to get that pair. asked for my size then the salesperson came back with light blue sandals of my size. he said it's new stock, just came in the afternoon. lol. (he said that there was only the dark blue ones for this model just now. rubbish.) i tried on the sandals, hahas, looks not bad. the grip is so so, cos it's new. it's just a matter of time to season this sandals. hahas, mummy and daddy really bought it for me! whee.
i didn't ask daddy why he agreed to buy, for all i know he might just say, "because you naughty, never help mummy mop floor and keep talking back.." (freak lar, it's not the first time i get this kinda reply.) i think i know what i should do to show that i appreciate the sandals. ((:

i'm back home now, blogging. and am going to figure out wp ploject after this. yy is trying out mummy's newbalance shoes. we've got this ronald mcdonald (with green and grey shoes) at home, yy's foot is super big. really. seems as though she's flopping around with track shoes. diao. i know it sounds cool, but its a hazard mentally and physically, so please do not try this at home.

erjie is still dancing away. apparently today is preview for ndp, but erjie didn't bring her costume. so yea, if it's a preview, it's gonna be cool. "costume-less" preview. hahas. anw, waiting for erjie to call and come home. might be going out tmr to bugis or (hopefully) not.
i need time to do work and study for itl, before i fail or die or something. yucks.

congrats to huiling on her successful hunt for og in bugis. (-.-)



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