Wednesday, 9 July 2008

yesterday was so tiring. woke up early to ensure that i'd be on time for itl tutorial. but i was super early. goodness. reached np bus stop around 7.27a.m., when my lesson is at 8a.m. i was so glad that i saw acl and ruth at the bus stop! hahas, it's been a long time since we've chatted (: missed those days..
itl tutorial was totally rubbish. the class didnt bring laptops, so we had no choice but to listen the lecturer. and he complained when we were actually paying attention! he's so ughhh.. when we are with our laptops, he complains that we keep staring at the screen. and when we are without our laptops, he complains that we keep staring at him blankly. goodness. if we dont stare at him, who do we stare at? crazy man. really dno what he actually wants.
anw, we had lunch at canteen 3. its my first time at canteen 3. the choice of food there is different from those at canteen 1, 2 and 4. i like canteen 3, for it's fish soup stall, roti prata stall and some other stalls which i dont remember.
carried on with port visit. it was a little boring. not as good as i had expected it to be. of cos, the best part of the trip was to keep snapping pictures (of ourselves). i did take a few pictures, but i guess i was still a little camera shy at first. almost the whole trip was on coach, seems as thou i'm on a tour in malaysia. hahas. i enjoyed the sea views and the blue sky. it just seems so good not to see any high rise buildings around. hahas. sad thing was that we didnt manage to walk around the jurong port.
went to bowl with larry, junwei, huiling, yanting and lingli. my freaking right hand was so so weak. after like 6 throws, my ball kept getting into the gutter, and yanting was like 'aiyo'. so sad. useless right hand. played 2 games. by the end of it, the vein on my right hand was like bulging. omg. i think i need to learn to use the right strength. otherwise, i'll never be able to do incline or bowl or carry heavy things again. hai.

today was crazy.
called up hp and asked about my laptop. this customer service guy was speaking in some accent which i really had a hard time trying to understand. i cant stand customer service officers who speak with such accent. the guy was telling me to do some hard disk scan or test. this test took 77 mins!! it nearly made me late for class. by the time the test was done, it was 11.40a.m. gosh.
called singtel after that. asked why my broadband had to do dial-up. the singtel guy asked me to do some check on the network devices. things seem ok. then i realised that it was my lan card that was not working properly. anw, the internet is working fine now, except for faulty lan card.
called sony again. told them about the problem of my phone. keeps restarting, blacking out and telling me to insert sim or show me inactive sim. gosh. someone called me from sony around 11a.m. told me to go down to service center again. this time round was to check my memory stick. they suspect that there is something wrong with the files in my memory stick. i'll be calling up sony to check again, since i've got some confidential photos which i wont wna show some people which i dont know.
these 3 calls made me really late for school. i was to leave house at 11.45a.m. i was still home at 12.10p.m. gosh. had no choice but to bus down to cck and then train down to clem. cabbed down to school from clem. it's been a long time since i've took a cab. it's like $0.20 per metre!! by the time i reached class, i was shocked to see that i was the only one around. i thought i had missed some 'today is e-learning day' or 'no econs lesson' email. lecturer arrived at class 5 mins after i reached class. goodness. i cant imagine him being so 'early'. kinda wasted my $6 cab fare.

daddy was kinda scowling when he found out that more than half of his $10 was gone in a day.
i'm so pissed that i lost so much money in just 2 days. first the bowling, then the cab. i wonder how much i'm gonna lose tmr.

gimme back my MONEY!



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