Tuesday, 16 September 2008

great news to share.

my two hamsters passed the test and they're both living happily together in the same tank. yes! the first 15 minutes was a great worry for mum and i. i was so afraid that the two of them would fight and result in injuries. thank goodness nothing of that sort happened. the two merely made squeaking sounds when their whiskers touched. weird way their minds work. one would never fail to disturb the other when it's sleeping, be it nibbling the ears or scratching the head. they fight when it's feeding time, so it's a lesson learnt to fill both bowls with food at the same time. the two never fail to drink from the other's bottle (for whatever reason - i think it's lovely that they're sharing saliva.) such contentment to get to put two animals back together again after separation for more than a year. i feel like a great mama suddenly. hahahas. poor ocean looks on while we tended to the hamsters. as usual, ocean gets jealous when our attention is on the hamsters. funny way this dog's mind works. he doesn't give a damn when u call him or give him attention, but when he realises that ur attention is somewhere else, jealousy starts. silent war to him simply means deliberately urinating at the borders of the papers or drinking his own urine or stepping on his own shit after he's done with his biggie. see? the only way is to calm him down immediately after caring for the hamsters. bribe the dog with treats, hug him, talk to him, make him sit next to you, stroke him, rub his tummy that should do the trick.even pets get jealous. what is the world becoming of? omg.

friday was a busy day. left house at 10.30 and went to meet the iia people at np. the guys were later than i was, when i thought i was late. err. anw, the exhibition kinda got choked up at the start. so we had no choice but to cab back to nh (with orion and justine) to get all the materials that we need.

(back at nh) it's good to be back, but not when we were rushing around to get things. freaky. justine went to the bookshop to get those cellophane papers and blu tack while i went to the office to get the long pants and orion went back to the ds (to get the bamboos and mops) and the classroom (to get the tablets). great stuff happened at the office. felt so weird walking around the office with the principal. almost everyone else in the office was staring at me the whole time. it kinda sends people the wrong message seriously. anw, had this picture taken with mr foo (thanks to mr chia). he's still on about the coffin business. i doubt i can ever get away from it. omg.

flew back to np when we finally got everything ready. cab fare to and fro cost about $12. gosh. look at how the cab fares climb. nh was the last to get the booths set up. (a bit malu lar) the booth was almost empty except the two charts (from gib's team) and the one chart (from leechen's team). plus my two materpieces and the prototypes. of cos, there was still the cellophane papers (blue and yellow). imagine if mrs ong was around, i'm somehow sure that this is definitely not her standard. anw, things got better as time passed by. i was really impressed with how the guys worked their way showcasing their ideas to the public. they were confident enough and weren't shy about what they had to do or say. compared to what i did in sec 1, i'm totally speechless (i didn't dare to say anything then and had to leave it all to huifen to do tha talking - guilty).

leechen, yuheng and i went to pack lunch for the whole team. 4 cutlets and 3 chips. total was $23. sorry to justine. i had no idea that u couldn't take chilli, i'll rmb it the next time. i got myself some jap food. finally got to eat can 1's jap food. there was NO queue. hahas. i'll never get to do this during school days.
played dj max on leechen's psp. and he taught me how to set up o2 mania. thanks alot to him really.i guess i'm super noob. i've still yet to break leechen's record of 99.7% (i'm still at 96.5%
only). lousy me.

things ended and we packed the heavy items into the can and went back to nh again with orion and justine. orion paid for the cab fare. hopefully we can get the claim, else poor orion, it's not fair to let him pay for the trip lar.

mrs. lim ls helped us open up the studio and we chucked everything in there and slammed the door shut. thanks mrs. lim.

saw yaozhong and nick and we walked around for a while. nh was celebrating mid autumn on friday night. we talked for a while and i got some updates about the teachers, who was leaving and who wasn't (i'm seriously so outdated).

mdm came with her kids around 7pm. we played catching at the amphitheatre and walked around the stalls after that. i should have about that "stop animal abuse" badge and stick it onto my bag or somewhere (for all you know, people might reckon i'm some animal or something and they would stop abusing me.). i didn't buy anything from the stalls, since i didn't feel like eating anything. plus the fact that buying the items would probably create more unwanted rubbish on my table.i'm not saying that those items they sell are rubbish (mind you), but i don't see any need or despo cravings for them. xq got some princess smarties thingy and a really pretty pen and a key chain dog. kq got his dino egg, which i proudly thought him to hide between two pillows and he actually believed it, gosh (then it was mdm's face who changed - imagine hiding chocolates in between pillows, it's every mother's nightmare). went back to the staff room. the three of us played with the lego track and the brown cart. and mdm was telling her girl not to bully me almost the whole time when we were playing. ahhahas.i was pretty amazed at how imaginative i was (seriously!). err, we started off with some gradient on the track, cos there was an extra lego piece attached. the next level was to make use of the stack of worksheets at the edge of the desk. great. the cart was still moving on the track. next, we added a calculator. and the cart was still on the track. (yeah!) then i thought that things had to be more challenging. so i told xq to put one end of the track up to the organizer box thingy on the desk. this was awesome! the cart flew down the track in record time, flew past the table edge and crashed onto the ground! fabulous. we went "oops" and fixed everything back. and then we went for yet another round using the gradients. by the time we were done, mdm was staring at us. we were obviously making so much noise in the staff room and mdm had to apologise to mrs. lim at about the noise. when the track and the cart started to bore us, lightning stuck (in my brain). ahoy people, make use of the dino egg. this huge egg was just so fun! it's so wobbly and we had a hard time ensuring that it stayed on the track while it's rolling its way down. the best part was when the track was on the organizer box thingy and the egg refused to roll down. cos xq was holding the pathetic egg with her finger. goodness. she was half covering her ears and ky was covering his ears with both his hands. the egg just stood there, waiting for it's fate. when xq finally let go, for some reason which i don't know what, i think we started shouting ad yelling. and then i heard ms loy say something like "wow, tengteng can really play man." gosh. i think i lost the image then. but then, i still love playing this way.

i guess i can never play in this manner at home. firstly, erjie and yy are way off the age to play this way. secondly, i doubt msy or mnk or mnk would ever play such things. lastly, i definitley wouldn't play in this way with sm, cos i have to be the one in control. and i seriously doubt i can play in this way with biao ge. so.. yea. period.

anw, the track finally fell off the table. xq and kj were both staring at me. i went saying "err.. oops. we have to fix it somehow." mdm immediately turned to look at me, "u, can seriously forget about fixing the track. u have no talent in this lar." thanks ar mdm. hai. i like lego, please. if i have sufficient funds, i reckon that my entire room would be filled with lego toys and buildings. we managed to fix the track in the end. thanks to me. told u i was talented. -.-
xq got bored after a while and for dno wad reason, she asked me to take her down to get a lantern. so we went down to get her lantern. we were lucky to have got the last lantern, since there weren't any more sticks to go with the lanterns. phew. i led the way and took a longer and darker route in order to enjoy the brightly lit candle within the lantern. xq was pretty scared at first, but after some assurance, she started to enjoy the walk behind the classrooms. i did tell her some things about myself and she was very amazed to realise that i wasn't studying at nh anymore. and i found out that we were both afraid of lizards and roaches. wonderful way the young mind work. when we got back to the parade square, xq begged for me to take her for the second round. i was pretty ok with it. but since she said that she had wanted to see who my sister was, we waited for a while at the parade square for erjie to appear. too bad while waiting really. mdm came round the canteen and saw us. well, it was late and it was time to go home. xq very reluctantly made her way up to the staff room. we did a little compromise and she did try her very best to extinguish the flame. in the end, she had no choice but to ask me for help to blow out the flame.

when we were about to leave, xq asked me a really interesting question, "can we do this again next time?" i was a little lost for words, but i managed to say yes. and she asked me again, "will you be here next year?" err. i told her that i would definitely be there if she'd ask for me to come. and then she asked again, "but.. i don't have your number, how do i call you?" hahahas. "mummy has. you can ask mummy to call me. (smiles)" and there she asked again, "what if you are busy and you have something on that day and you can't come?" omg. once again i assured her that i'd be there as long as she called me and i told her to call me in advance, so that i would leave next year's mid autumn day free - for her. (smiles)

while we were walking along the corridoors along the staff room, mdm suddenly stopped and went "oh shit!" then she said she left her phone in the toilet. great. so i went to get her boy, who was waiting at the stairs. ky and i walked back to the staff room. i was hesistant to go into the staff room, since the staff toilet was nowhere near mdm's table. then ky insisted to go to his mummy's table. ok, fine. i followed him to mdm's table and surprise! mdm was standing at her table. i was kinda blur, and couldn't help it but asked, "mdm, DEFINE TOILET."we burst out into fits of laughter. goodness.

we parted at the foyer. i could tell that xq was looking disappointed that it was time to go home. sighs. so mdm left with her kids while i hanged around the foyer, waiting for erjie. come to think of it, i should have walked mdm and her kids to the gate or something. well..

anw, i seriously had a whale of a time myself. i can't believe that i've had so much fun and enjoyment and contentment all in just 2 hours. wow.

i can't wait to have a chance to play with xq and ky again. gosh. may the chance come soon...
(yes! i managed to finish typing this horribly long post!)


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