Friday, 5 September 2008

sweeping, vacuuming, mopping, folding clothes (and sometimes) ironing have all become my daily routine. i'm ensuring that i finish all housework in the morning or before i go out during the day.

anw, i think my desktop is seriously wrecked. something must have been wrong in the first place. it's not the first time that something has been wrong with my desktop. i've officially said goodbye to my desktop. perhaps, i'll see it in hell. alibaba should be coming to pick it up sometime today or tmr, and perhaps he'll do some magic to it and make it come alive or something. of cos, i hope that alibaba uses his most powerful magic, cos it's kinda ridiculous to buy another pc at this point (when comex is actually OVER.)

sent my stupid phone for repair (for the SECOND time in THREE months). rubbish. lousy phone. i dun care what sony does to my phone, as long as my phone and m2 card comes back in one piece and that the phone stops restarting itself on me, i'll be happy and contented.

njrc was held yesterday. didn't really do anything much there, other than helping to buy lunch, eating my own lunch, reading the last lecture, boosting bok's morale to study physics and watch typical korean drama. hahas, 3 cheers to the McSpicy Team - khleng, guan, jiang, bok and me ((: 1 of the team was in the top 10 for yesterday's competition. great job! only if our inno friends knew that we were cheering for them like crazy at the stands. hahas. jiang was typing: " WEI YANG JIAYOU" in caps on word doc. and he had to keep changing names cos the teams kept sending different people out. lol.

i've got this sudden urge to throw away my tablet right now. god crazy thing. after i close microsoft powerpoint successfully, it prompts me this message: "Microsoft PowerPoint has stopped working. Windows is checking for a solution to the problem..." or "Microsoft PowerPoint is restarting..." the same thing happened when i closed microsoft word doc. "Microsoft Word Document has stopped working. Windows is checking for a solution to the problem..." rubbish. then now windows prompts me for an update, when everything else on the tablet is already up-to-date. mad mad mad. the next time round, i'll buy just a normal laptop, no tablets-since the power consumption is inhumanely high, no need for additional functions. the more functions, the worse things will get. and good news, the tablet's bluetooth is apparently down. hip hip hooray! -.-

currently devoting my time to help the iia teams on their presentation next friday. it's super rush for me. i hope i can make it. there's booth design, plus the charts and the little A4 leaflets. great. i hope things will run smoothly. chalet's next week from monday to wednesday. i'll probably head back to nh on wed right after the chalet provided the guards let me in when i'm in sandals. poof. there's still alot of work. i wonder how the idea of painting the flats and bamboos would turn out. i seriously hope i don't mess things up. leechen or yuheng or guoyao, if ur are reading this, please send me ur grp's proposals asap. ty.

to those gg for chalet frm my class, i've already sent out an sms. erm, i'll keep u guys updated right here. can ya guys lemme knw whose bringing what games, before junwei has some very crazy suggestions?? ((:

to jean (since u've asked who else's going): me, u, meixiu, teeli (will join us when she finishes work at bout 10pm), amanda, yanting, junwei, alfred (will join us on the second day at some time which i forgot :x), larry and wenfa (will try to join us on tuesday). and mayb nadiah. not forgetting ms goh huiling who has failed to "confirm with me next week". hahas ((:


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