Saturday, 27 September 2008

bought "The Last Lecture" last saturday. and my biggest woodcraft set - the beijing si he yuan. and some pen and some shirt.
i won't be able to construct the set until i've bought a piece of land at home to house the set.

accompanied grandma to SNEC today. the (super dao and has serious attitude problem) doctor (i remember the name - joy chang) was kinda rude. even gu ma felt it. i felt that she was half-heartedly doing a check on grandma's eyes. crazy. serious attitude problem, and call herself a "doctor". yuck.
grandma's eyes were ok, the same as before. we're quite relieved that grandma's eyes were still the same.
went to have lunch at some vegetarian restaurant in chinatown. i was very impressed by the wide variety of vegetarian dishes available. we ordered 3 dishes, some toufu thing and some sweet and sour "so-called pork" and the yam ring. my favourite was the sweet and sour dish. ((: grandma was pretty happy to eat at this renowned restaurant. gu ma did film some bits when we were having lunch. i'll probabaly post it if i can get the clips from gu ma. anw, the total bill went up to $30++, which gu ma kindly settle the bill.
grandma was tired coming to the end of the trip and she napped while we were in the cab on the way home. i nearly fell asleep too. i can't believe i was that tired.

amazed by the remains of my enegry, i bathed the smelly ocean. and then sweeped and mopped the floor after that.
showered and had dinner and am blogging now.

i've not been sleeping well for the past few days (nearly a week). i hope to be able to sleep well soon. gracious. i can't stand lying in bed for more than an hour, before i actually fall asleep and getting up (several times) in the middle of the night and staying awake for at least 20 mins everytime, before being able to sleep again and waking up in the morning to feel that my eyes are sore and swollen, and a headache that never fails to clear for the entire day.
what the hell is wrong man. grr.

grandma will be having a bone scan on this coming friday. and i think it's best if i accompanny grandma on friday, just like today.
oh, now i'm lost. i just remembered i'm still waiting for jia min's reply if we're having lunch together on friday.
my grandma is definitely more important. but my primary school friends are so hard to date. what to do?...

anw, i hope i didn't hear what i thought i heard and nearly stumbled upon last night.
the 3 cries took my heart to my lips and my mind out of my head.
i feel sick speaking to the two of them for the whole of today. i hope the cries would fade as time and days pass.
i feel so disgusted.



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