Friday, 28 November 2008

just finished inno camp at nh. if it wasn't for school, i would probably still be there, trying to shoot the volleyball and bball into the netball hoops.

met mrs. jacq tan for lunch yesterday. we couldn't stop talking. it was (well..) really nice of her to take time off from home to have lunch with me, and yes, i'm damn grateful for that. i was really enjoying the company and chat until i saw an old lady on a wheelchair, with a tube attached to her nose. i hesitated and i stared at the old lady till she was being pushed (on her wheelchair) out of sight. this old lady reminded me of grandma again. sigh. i think mrs. tan knew what was on my mind, and she just gave me a pat on the shoulder and of cos, a very kind smile.

anw, i accompanied her to get some stuff from ntuc after lunch, to find out that she was going to australia for two whole weeks! i was like "wow! 2 weeks!" hahas. we parted when mrs. tan had to go home while i went to nh to camp in for the day.

mrs. tan did ask me to go to her house, for her daughter would be more than happy to have someone older to play with her and that i would (most probably) inculcate the right values to her daughter. hahas. i guess i wouldn't mind that. as i've told her, it'll probably be after the 49 days are over, i seriously look forward to see her girl. the last time i saw jacq junior was like more than a year ago (last year's mid autumn).

camp was quite cool. i thought it was really an ingenious idea to get the juniors and all to plan, budget and cook their own meals. the idea was originated from the obs style. so yea, i'm really impressed. to say, i thought it was quite fun watching them get their food ready and to watch the flames go on and off and on again.

if i ain't on vegetarian, i would probably have lots of fun whipping up dinner. gosh. i've never really tried outdoor cooking, with charcoal and solid fuel, not counting bbqs.

since there wasn't really enough food, i accompanied mdm to blk 407 to have her dinner. it was around 9pm then, and guess what? i hadn't taken my dinner yet and i was not hungry! wow. and i found out some disappointing facts. and no wonder, mdm didn't seemed as thou she was listening, sigh. will this difference bring us further apart?

mdm didn't really seemed enthu, probably cos she was flu-ing. so she actually knocked out slightly before 12 while i carried on to do my work in the darkness. now its the super interesting bit. i was in my fbt, thinking that i would go to sleep in that and a black tee and my quite-thick jacket. but after a while, i started to feel cold. i don't know why i feel that cold, probably because i'm under the air-con. so i did the smartest thing on earth, that was to change back into my jeans and zip up my jacket and to increase the temperature to 26 degrees. smart right?

after a while, mdm woke up and asked for the room temperature. she complained that it was very warm. uhh, i was just staring to enjoy the very comfortable warmness. and she lowered the temperature to 22 degrees. poor tengteng started to freeze under the conditioning, with her top half wrapped in her jacket and her feet wrapped in her shorts. while mdm was at the corner covered in her very comfortable sleeping bag. anw, she kept tossing and turning around, i don't think she really slept with all the turning arounds.

the freeze last the whole night and it finally ended when kl entered the room to wake me up (to go to school), aww.. i think it was so nice of her to do so. i took mdm's jacket and wrapped it over my head and used my own jacket to wrap around my legs. and yes, i was kept warm for the last 10 mins of my sleep. and mdm said that i was stupid cos i didn't ask for the blanket when i was cold. diao. i thought she was sleeping ma, and i had no intentions of waking her up. well, i did lower the aircon from 23 to 26 degrees, before she complained that it was warm and increased it up to 22 degrees again. so... was i really stupid? -.-" i'll bring a sleeping bag next time round (if any).

thing to note: mdm snipped off her long hair and highlighted some bits of her hair. so yea, there's much lesser resemblance now. at least ms chng can tell us apart now. but still a pity, i thought it was kinda fun playing with look alikes, since mrs. tan said i was the mutated version of mdm. LAUGH OUT LOUD.

holidays for primary and secondary school students are finally here. erjie, yy, ah boy, msy, ngakei and enen are all on holiday now. how i wish i've got my holidays while they have theirs.
common test is round the corner. i think its next week. great stuff. i've totally got no idea on what's going on and what's not.

i'm feeling so lost and i don't know what to do next.

where's my guiding light?


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