Saturday, 1 November 2008

shuffling between school, home and the hospital is really wearing me out.

嫲嫲的情况还是没好转过,她还是迷迷糊糊的睡着。大家最近一直都在讨论嫲嫲的身后事,we seemed ready physically. but are we up to this terrible mental challenge?

唯一值得感到安慰的,就是看到-那个整天都说自己没有胃口的-老爸,能够轻松的在kopitiam吃晚餐。i offered to share a huge plate of vegetarian bee hoon with daddy, since his appetite was rather bad. i had finally managed to convince him to have dinner together with us at the canteen, instead of having to eat by grandma's bedside. daddy, mummy, erjie, yy, shenshen, yeye, biao gugu, aunty joanna and i were all having dinner together. perhaps it was the company of people that helped to increase daddy's appetite. i noticed that daddy was eating his way thru the food, while i took slow and small mouthfuls. he did not stop he just carried on until there was apparently not much left and he asked me to 'finish the rest'. it was then that i realised that i had eaten less than half of that entire plate of food, since the past 2 weeks.


this old man is really affected by what's happening to his mummy. even aunty yanching could tell. daddy's just put up a strong front. just look at the poor old soul suffering behind this strong guy image. what else can i do to help him?

anw, happi 17th to huiling - hope you enjoyed ur belated and super memorable b'dae lunch ((:


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