Monday, 31 December 2007

Concluding 2007… … and … … New Year Resolutions

It’s the last day of 2007.

This year has been fulfilling, to a certain extent.

  1. Completed O’s
  2. Got a new phone
  3. Bought HSM 2 DVD
  4. Completed the construction of the Temple of Heaven (insane!)
  5. Completed the construction of the KL tower (wow!)
  6. Completed the construction of my 3 bionicle sets
  7. Completed the construction of some metallic toys (genius stuff..)
  8. Gave gu ma and gu jie reindeers for Christmas (beautifully painted and decorated)
  9. Helped ah boy get ready for primary school (somehow or rather)
  10. Went for movies
  11. Packed my cupboards thoroughly
  12. Bought a pair of sneakers

Lots more accomplishments unnamed… …

Well, there’re always regrets despite how fulfilling the year has been.

  1. Still didn’t do well for any exams
  2. Didn’t manage to visit Night Safari
  3. Didn’t manage to sign up for any electone classes
  4. Still yet to change my wallet (much to the surprise of jm & aud—thanks lots…)
  5. Still missed out quite some TV programmes
  6. Unsolvable friendship problems (forever, it will never end.)
  7. Didn’t play any online games
  8. Left my blog remain dead for weeks
  9. Didn’t bother much about inno (no comments…)
  10. Spoilt the motherboard of my CPU (brilliantly amazing)
  11. I’m leaving NH

And the list goes on… …

Wishes for New Year:

  1. Make more friends
  2. Acceptable O’s results
  3. Be a new me

And to all around me, may all be happy and healthy! :)

Dedicated to… …

1. 405’07
I’m seriously going to miss this class and that “ulu” classroom that had once been occupied by the class. I sincerely thank all those who were there for me, when I needed your help. I shall also sincerely apologize (to whom in may concern) if I had given you any unpleasant memories to remember me by. Guys, to sum it all up, all the best in your JC/POLY life and remember that we were all once IGNITED WITH PASSION! :)

2. S.H.W of Service Learning Trip 2006
I shall also sincerely apologize if I had given you any unpleasant memories to remember me by. It is really silly of me, I know. Well, I simply hope that the warriors would be forgiving. May we never forget this trip that had brought us so much memories (in particular—our 1.6m deep shit hole, bombing of cow dung, eating ferns, bridge-ing and the self-invented MacDonald game) Pass on the spirit of S.K, love ya’ll!

3. I.N.N.O
My dear friends of this club, many things happened in the past year. Nothing is worth remembering, but seeing you guys unite and have fun together was the best part. I would definitely remember each and every one of you. Remember those naggings no more, and I’m very sure that you guys would one day learn to be independent and keep the club’s spirit in there always! Have faith in yourselves and stay “gay” always! (Keep growing guys!!)
To the two “xiao jies”, I know it has been hard, but hang in there, alright? The guys won’t get us, ;) (hehee…)

4. You & You

Thanks for all the wonderful memories. I’ll never forget you and you. :)
Lots of love… …



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