Instruction : Remove one question from the above and add in your personal question. Make it a total of 20 questions and tag 8 people. List them at the end of the post. Notify them at their cbox that they’ve been tagged. Whoever who does the tags will have blessing from all.
1)At what age do you wish to get married?
26? 27? 28? 29? 30? hahas. depends on when the fate comes (:
2)Study hard or Play hard?
both. even thou we should play harder sometimes (:
3)Who is the person you trust most?
mummy <33
4)Do you think you have enough confidence?
i guess so.. is being thick-skinned counted? (:
5)If you have a dream come true , what would it be?
i wna keep 5 dogs! and wear shades someday ((:
6)What is your idea of a friend?
truthful, trustworthy, understanding (: i bet there's more.hahas.
7)What is your goal this year?
sleep, play hard, eat well, dun gain weight! spend more time with family.
8)Do you believe in eternity love?
i guess so, it will come someday. hahas (:
9)If you have all the time and money in the world, what would you do?
bring my family for a tour, start my own one-stop pet care centre with yy and erjie. and give mummy the rest of the money. (:
10)If time were to unwind , what would you want to change?
i wna spend more time in nh. with mrs. chang and mrs. tan. <33
11) Would you like the person whom you love make the initiative to kiss/hug you?
errr. i'm not even attached! actually mummy take the initiative to hug me lah.
12)What feelings you hate the most?
(DOSS) deprive of sleep syndrome, headaches, sole aches.
13) What is your childhood ambition?
teacher. lawyer. artist. homemaker! hahas. i really respect mummy's job (:
14)Do you believe in love at first sight?
i think it works. somehow. (:
15)What do you think is the most important thing in your life?
other than myself, its my family.
16)Who do you hope to be always behind you, supporting you?
mummy, daddy, erjie, yy, ocean, ah boy, biao ge, msy, ngakei, enen.. all in my big family (: and of cos, my idol and her woman (:
17)People who are going to be hated by you?
i prefer to stay neutral. enough of all the likes, dislikes.
18)Describe the person who tagged you in five words.
lingli, u challenge mi seh ((:
19)Do you deserve to be loved?
i dno. but depends to be loved by who (:
20)The 5 things i badly wna do.
-complete school work -.-
-invest a hundered bucks on a pair of sandals (i cant stand painful soles.)
-meet up for lunch with idol and her woman (:
-6B '03 chalet/sentosa outing ((:
-for holidays to carry on. <33
8 people: angelina, erjie, jinghui, canida, fangqi, nick, dixon, jinhong.
i wna a PROPER pair of SANDALS!
definitely no army type. pls.
Labels: rants
lots of things happened yesterday. just wanna mention that i challenged myself and pushed endurance to the limit.
i woke up at 4.45a.m. in the morning to send erjie off in school for her sec 3 camp at malaysia. we were nearly the only "parents" there to see the whole situation. omg. parents nowadays are not that worried about not having their children by their sides. i mean, some really don't bother about not seeing their children for the next 3 to 4 days. i seriously don't like the idea of the camp at malaysia, since malaysia is rather chaotic, same reason to why i don't step into johore. anw, erjie's bus left school at around 7.15a.m. it was sad to see her go, but i guess, erjie is comfortable with her friends for the trip. hahas. so yea, it's at least better to know that she has company.
left nh around 7.15 a.m. mummy, yy and i strolled to clementi in search of breakfast. hahas. slowly ate our way to 8a.m. at vari-nice. strolled into clementi's ntuc at 8.10a.m. walked around ntuc for the aircon and left the place with a pack of sweet potatoes and towels around 8.55a.m.
then we took the mrt down to jurong east. walked through imm to get to the cj place to get my sony repaired. (yes, finally after like 3 or 4 months) the customer service centre was at level 7. hahas, the place was rather empty, maybe because it was in the morning. i seriously doubt the reliability of sony phones now, hahas.
went back to imm after sending in the phone. started the whole imm trip at daiso. walked around hoping to find some really nice stuff to get. hahas. i got a pack of something that is used to bundle wires together, this is some amazing innovation of the jap people. really cool. (i'm actually using it on my mouse now.) we went for lunch after daiso, that was when i realiszed the exisitance of a rooftop playground at imm. after lunch, we went to fila. i wanted to get back my bag asap. i sent in my bag for repair, cos the zip was spolit within a week of its purchase. omg. anw, to realize that the zip couldn't be repaired. so, yea, i was pretty upset bout it (for that bag's color combi was superbly nice) in the end, i changed for a new bag. the current bag's color combi is light blue on dark blue. i really miss my maroon on light grey bag (sobbs.) i saw this sling pouch at fila, which i felt was pretty good (in terms of money and quality). i had so much wanted to buy it. but i didn't take an implusive approach. i went to royal sporting house to see if there was a better deal, but only find myself to be disappointed after visiting rsh. then i went back to fila again. i was about to decide on the color, when i saw world of sports. god freak. so i left fila and went to wos. sadly to say, there wasn't anything like that sling pouch at wos. so i went back again to fila. the lady who was working at the shop was like o.O (it was the 3rd time that i went back to the shop.) omg. then mummy told me to stop thinking about other pouches. so i put my heart into buying the black pouch. its pretty nice, really. the saddest thing was that i have to pay for this pouch myself. hopefully mummy might change her mind about getting it for me. hahas. mummy fulfilled yy's wish of going to giant. so we walked around giant for like an hour.
daddy called to say that he wanted us to accompany him to go collect his uniform at tiong bahru. so we strolled around imm somemore to wait for daddy. then there was some miscomm or something. goodness. we wasted quite a bit of time to figure things out.anw, cut the craps. we went to tiong to help daddy collect his uniform. i was dead tired. my feet were hurting very badly. i think i really need new sandals, sandals with proper soles, with proper grip. gosh. we had to walk a long way from the mrt station to the tailor shop. the tailor shop is apparently meant to tailor clothes for the saf. the boss of the tailor shop was darn tao and ignorrant. he had really bad attitude. i couldn't stand him, but i was just too tired to argue. rude man. yucks. walked back to tiong mrt. and took a train back to cck. rushed home and did a quick wash, changed into fresh clothes, grabbed my pouch and rushed down to yew mei green.
last night was primary school's class gathering cum bbq. i guess i was tired to talk much, just had the energy to laugh, walk and eat. hahas. anw, i think i shouldn't talk too much too. felt a bit out of place at first. luckily, i think the atmosphere got better as we went on. we were chatting and reminiscing those innocent primary school days. we did hi-7 dances, crazy rush of copying chinese notes, some teachers' special scolding phrases... really really miss those days. i'm hoping for another gathering soon. tianjun, dittaya, mor, chuling and i were hoping for one at sentosa. jiamin, chuling and i were hoping for chalet too (: hahas. we took several photos too. i'm so sorry sherlyn, i really forgot to take picture with her! omg. anw, the pictures are with aud, jy and mw. waiting for the photos to be uploadeed soon (: hahas, once uploaded, i'll be posting them on my blog (:
meanwhile, i'm really tired. i was awake for 20 hours from 5a.m. to 1a.m. this morning. i am really amazing. and i slept for 12 hours straight from 1a.m. this morning to 1p.m. this afternoon. i'm so so messed up. i need back my normal life!
i miss erjie. ):
i love the shifu character! total master!
and here's the second on my list! -tigress
super swift movements, graceful! sleek!
Po-the panda. (stealing off almond chips from the top shelf.)
the crane. the only one with wings.
it's all about believing and having faith in yourself.
" 近朱者赤,近墨者黑。"
" 要知足。"
:) " 明天会更好。" (: